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PGA Tour Veteran Hugh Royer III joins Charlie as they challenge the Arnold Palmer signature design King’s North. Watch as they have some fun playing the famed par five 6th hole known as “The Gambler”
Show Transcription
Charlie: Today, I'm at Myrtle Beach National, taking on the King's North with former PGA tour professional Hugh Royer III. I'm Charlie Rymer and this is Ridin' with Rymer.
Charlie: All right, Hugh, we got a great golf course today. We are at King's North here at Myrtle Beach National and I was just thinking about it as we head out on the golf course. You and I have been playing golf together for a long time.
Hugh: 30-plus years, at least. Just do me a favor. None of the old jokes and stuff, okay? Let's get something new.
Charlie: That's all I got is old jokes. This is going to be a long day for you.
Hugh: Yeah, it will be good, though. We enjoy it. It's a great day for it.
Charlie: All right, let's get after it.
Hugh: Let's get it.
Charlie: All right, so let's talk a little bit about your dad. He's been gone now for five years and I know you miss him, but talk to me a little bit about some of the lessons you learned. Golf and life, from your pop.
Hugh: It was almost like having Ben Hogan as a father, because he pushed hard for hard work. Practice hard, work hard, out-work your opponent. And that's kind of the way I was raised.
Hugh: Growing up on a tour with him, getting to know Mr. Player, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Nicholas. You grew up around those people, so it's kind of an experience a lot of people don't get to do, and I got to do it. So pretty cool.
Charlie: So you've been spending a lot of time, these last 15-plus years now, teaching. And you've been working a lot with some younger players and you've been developing some players. Talk to me about a couple of your success stories.
Hugh: Success stories ... Ika Kim.
Charlie: She can play now.
Hugh: She can play, and she is a doll. She won the US Junior, Girls Junior, and that was kind of a notch in the resume.
Charlie: Now, being a player, you won four times on that Korn Ferry Tour now and made the PGA tour. Your approach to teaching, having been an excellent player ... Is it maybe a little bit different than we see from some of the teachers that didn't really play that much competitive golf?
Hugh: I think it's tremendously different, Charlie, because you can teach a golf swing and you can teach a theory, so to speak. But you've got to be able to teach them how to use it and how to manage and to help them understand. When you stand on the 18th tee, you get nervous. You get scared and you don't know what to do. And if the teacher has never done that, they can't help that student. And I feel like somebody like you or I, if we did that, we can help those students realize what they need to do to succeed. Because we've been there.
Charlie: All right, so you really cool here. The sixth hole, The Gambler. In fact, in 1996, Mr. Palmer was here with the gambler himself, Kenny Rogers, to dedicate this hole. My question to you is: We got this Island fairway on the left. Do you put it in that in a nice and easy little second shot to a par five? Or do you bail out to the right? Knowing you, you always played sort of like scared golf. You're probably going to bail out to the right and play it safe, aren't you?
Hugh: What are you smoking? Have you ever known me to lay up? I'm going right there, because that right there looks really tight.
Charlie: Come on. Let's go.
Hugh: We're going this way.
Charlie: All right, let's have at it. Oh!
Hugh: I'm dry. I don't know about you.
Charlie: We will have to maybe look for mine a little bit.
Hugh: So how are you going to drop this thing?
Charlie: I think I'm stuck. Ooh, that might be pretty good.
Hugh: It looks really good.
Charlie: Get up a little! I'm fighting for par. You want to hit in the water? You got to be scared now. Scared.
Charlie: Oh, I'm sorry! It slipped.
Hugh: You know, friends, you come out to do something like this and he's that jealous that he's got to mess with you.
Charlie: I didn't even know it was a horn. Let's go.
Hugh: Giddy up! Whoo!
Charlie: By the way, you drop it like this.
Hugh: The horn. You actually had to pull that.
Charlie: You look like you've got a lot of experience with that dropping.
Hugh: You still putting with that brake pad?
Charlie: Yeah, I'm back to where I can make a putt or two with it.
Hugh: There you go.
Charlie: Would you get that for me? I'll be in the cart.
Hugh: Hey, you want this?
Charlie: Yeah. That was a tough break. I'll see you up on 17th.
Hugh: Unbelievable. He makes up 50-footer. Only him. Only him.
Charlie: I guess it's what, maybe about two years ago you got diagnosed with having melanoma?
Hugh: Had it pop up on my right nostril and they told me it was basal cell, but they didn't tell me it was basal cell aggressive. And when it comes back basal cell aggressive pattern, you're supposed to go in every three months. The doctor told me I had three years, and it scared me and I couldn't get an answer for what it was.
Charlie: So the doctor told you you got three years to live?
Hugh: No, he said I had three years. I was fine until I needed to come back. He told me it was nothing. And then when the bump came back, I went back to the dermatologist. He retired. Went to the other one. He told me it was a staph infection. Never did a culture. Gave me antibiotics. It got bigger, so I wasn't going back to him. Ended up going to another one. He told me it was nerve aggravation from my Oakley sunglasses.
Charlie: And the whole time, this is cancer?
Hugh: Yeah, and that's why the right side of my face looks the way it is. I lost a quarter of the right side of my face when they finally did the surgery. When they finally got it all, it was a centimeter from my brain.
Charlie: My goodness! And while you're going through all of that, you can't get out and teach or work or play golf.
Hugh: I can't work, no. Nothing. It was a rough year-and-a-half.
Charlie: So you've been sharing your story with, with folks. Talk to me a little bit about that.
Hugh: It's about learning. You get out of the shower. You put deodorant on. Learn to put sunscreen on at the same time. And don't be scared of doctors. If you see something doesn't look right, get it checked out. Because if it isn't anything, it's no harm, no foul.
Charlie: Ask doctors questions.
Hugh: Because it'll save your life. God put us here for a reason. We thought it was to play golf. For me, it was to teach people about skin cancer and how to prevent it. Now you're going to get me emotional, because I never thought I'd play golf again. And to go out and play a mini tour event, the Sunbelt Tour, and play their match play at the surf club. And I won the thing. And it's the first win I've had since my last win on the Korn Ferry Tour.
Charlie: Emotional for me, as well, knowing what you went through and trying to get your golf game back when you've been dealing with life and death.
Hugh: It's not very easy.
Charlie: All right, so Hugh, this 18 hole is called Bullseye. There's 42 bunkers on it, and I'm hoping you find about two or three of them.
Hugh: I'm hoping you bury in the lip and can't get out.
Charlie: No bunkers there!
Hugh: That's a pretty good one there.
Charlie: Atta baby!
Hugh: Let's go see what we can do.
Charlie: That's two pretty good ones there. Hugh, you've been living here full time in Myrtle Beach 13 years?
Hugh: 13 years, yeah.
Charlie: You and I have been all over the world playing golf. Is there anything in the world like Myrtle Beach, where you got this many golf courses and an area this tight? And this many golfers that come from all over the world to play?
Hugh: It's very unique and it's unique in a way, Charlie, that the golf courses work together to create packages to bring people in here. I think that's the unique thing that makes Myrtle Beach so cool and so different than everywhere else. Whatever you want to play, you can find here.
Charlie: Well, Hugh, we had a great day here at King's North. You said at some point today that it looked like I was putting on the brake pad. You still have that same opinion of this putter?
Hugh: No, you got me there. You got me there.
Charlie: It seems to work, doesn't it?
Hugh: It works just fine, absolutely.
Charlie: Appreciate you riding with Rymer. Been a lot of fun, as always. Come on. Let's head up to the clubhouse. You can buy me a beer.
Hugh: You're the star of the show. You can buy me a beer.
Charlie: No, you're buying a beer. He's buying the beer.
Charlie: Book your next vacation or get a customized quote at
Charlie: I forgot that you had that heart issue when I hit that horn.
Hugh: Yeah, God!
Charlie: If you'd have gone down, there had been so much damn paperwork to fill out.
Charlie: You want to make sure you're on the right kind of golf courses where the members of that group can enjoy it.
Hugh: Absolutely. You don't want to come down here and spend all this money and be miserable. You can go home and get yelled at by your wife, you know.