In this video installment, contestants of “Big Break Myrtle Beach” take a break from the competition to discuss what they love doing while they’re not competing for prizes, fame and glory.
Be sure to catch all-new episodes of “Big Break Myrtle Beach” Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET on Golf Channel – and check out our Big Break event page to learn more about the reality series that’s putting Grand Strand golf in the spotlight!
K. Detlefsen: My favorite thing to do off the golf course is to hang out with my friends and family. I have a really close-knit family. I’m really involved with my church group. It’s a lot of fun.
C. Heavens: I work so hard on the golf course. Whenever I’m off I just relax, watch a little TV. I like to read, study, and hang out with my friends.
C. Pinegger: I have a little puppy. I love to play with her. I love animals, so I spend a lot of time with her when I can.
Dave Markle: Ball hockey, stand-up paddle boarding, go for a hike, read a book sometimes. It might be surprising to some that I can read, but I can.
Krista Puisite: I like to go to the beach, I love doing yoga, working out, but that doesn’t really count. I guess it’s off course but it’s a part of my job, to work out, so it’s not really a hobby.
Katy Harris: Play with my kids. Yeah, anything with the kids.
T. Teachman: I really love college football. I’m a huge LSU fan. I really love to cook. Being down in Louisiana I got some mean dishes down there … a little spice, little jambalaya, a little gumbo.
Jimmy Brandt: Fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing – that’s it. Maybe play some cards, some poker, gamble at the casinos. But fishing; me and dad love to fish. That’s all we do.